Board Games

Board Games:

During my initial years in Supinfogame, I’ve made three board games.


This game was made in my first preparatory year. We were 4, and I was in charge of making the rules of the game and planning the different tasks to do for my team.

The idea was to create a game where players have to move the elements of the game, like events, monsters, treasures, and their avatar. Another intention was to use no dices for the different moves, to improve the strategy side.


This game was made during my first preparatory year. We were 4 and we had one week to make a board game. My tasks on this project were to make the rules of the game, and a lot of playtesting to adjust and balance the game. I also helped to make the graphics at the end of the week.

This is a strategy game, with a lot of reflexion, players have to think a lot about their moves before performing them.

“Ceci n’est pas du hasard”:

This game was made by me for the jury of the initial cycle. If you pass successfully this jury, you’re allowed to go in the superior cycle and continue your studies in Supinfogame.

My reflexion was to make a game with dices, but without any randomness. So I made a game composed by 25 dices.